SEO Vibes Conference Budapest 2023

Do you feel the SEO vibes? The biggest SEO conference in the CEE region is just round the corner! So what is the SEO Vibes Conference all about?

A  perfect  blend  of  know-how  exchange  and  business  acumen  growth  with  networking  and  -  let’s  be  straightforward  -  great  fun.  Because  what  would  be  a  conference  without  a  good  party?  WhitePress,  the  organizer  of  SEO  Vibes  Conference,  set  themselves  an  ambitious  goal  to provide such a comprehensive experience in Budapest this October.

 It  all  started  with  two  simple,  yet  important  insights:  since  a  couple  of  years  already,  the  CEE  region  has  been  rapidly  growing  with  regard  to  the  SEO  industry,  becoming  one  of  the  most  vibrant  markets.  So  why  shouldn’t  we  all  use  it  as  an  opportunity?  Secondly,  what  is  the  best  way  to  nurture  the  power  of  developing  business  areas?  It  is  always  about  meeting  people,  exchanging  ideas,  growing  connections,  seeking  new  cooperation.  And  here  we  are! Sounds like the perfect description of a conference! 

 SEO  is  one  of  those  industries  where  there  is  no  stability  -  everything  is  changing  dynamically,  which  is  why  specialists  face  the  challenge  of  constantly  updating  and  deepening  their  knowledge.  International  events  that  gather  world-class  specialists  and  the  public  hungry  for  know-how  and  exchange  of  experiences  in  one  place  are  worth  their  weight  in  gold.  Thanks  to  them,  we  are  up  to  date  and  gain  knowledge  about  unique  case  studies  of  well-known  companies  that  we  can  be  inspired  by.  Hence  the  idea  to  organize  the  largest  conference  in  the  CEE  region,  the  SEO  Vibes  Conference.  There  are  many  SEO  experts  in  the  CEE  region,  but  they  have  few  opportunities  to  share  their  knowledge,  which  is  why  as  WhitePress,  having  been  present  in  these  markets  for  several  years,  we  decided  to  create  a  platform  for  insights  exchange and networking -  Tomasz Domański, Head of  International Growth, WhitePress. 

 It is a brilliant opportunity for the Hungarian SEO community as well as CEE markets to stand  out on a global industry scene. This area has flourished in recent years and it is great to have  a professional conference as a forum to exchange local experience with other industry  fellows from other countries -  Robert Toth, Country  Manager WhitePress Hungary 

 On  October  5th,  the  main  conference  day,  in  exceptional  Eiffel  Art  Studios  premises,  a  dozen  of  top  global  experts  will  take  to  the  stage  to  share  their  perspectives  on  current  most  buzzing  topics  in  the  SEO  industry.  To  name  a  few  key  guest  speakers:  Kyle  Roof,  The  High  Voltage  SEO ;  Bastian  Grimm  from  Peak  Ace ,  Mihai  Vinatoru  from  DWF ,  Raluca  Radu  from  MTH  Digital ,  Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR, Holistic SEO & Digital ,  and  Gabor Papp  from The Pitch will be part of it. 

The  lectures  scheduled  will  certainly  include  the  hottest  topics  in  the  industry  nowadays  with  AI  being  on  everyone's  lips  and  issues  related  to  data  science  or  technical  aspects  of  SEO.  There  will  also  be  an  opportunity  to  talk  about  the  development  of  international  SEO  and  discuss  case  studies  presented  during  the  conference.  And  all  this  is  presented  from  both  a  local and global perspective. 

 You can check the full list of speakers on the event landing page: 

 Feel the SEO Vibes with us! 

The  conference  organized  by  WhitePress  is  a  unique  event  not  only  for  the  presence  of  top  global  names  in  the  SEO  and  content  marketing  industry  but  also  because  of  the  places  they  invite  participants  to  visit  together.  All  the  lectures  will  be  given  from  a  Banffy  Stage  in  the  Eiffel  Art  Studios.  It  is  a  new  artistic  complex  of  the  Hungarian  State  Opera,  located  in  the  restored  maintenance  hall  of  the  Hungarian  Royal  Railways,  built  in  the  19th  century  and  named  after  famous  Gustave  Eiffel.  It  is  worth  mentioning  that  in  the  same  Opera  House  building, the afterparty  with a DJ will take place. 

 It  is  not  without  reason  that  our  event  name  is  "SEO  Vibes".  During  the  conference,  you  will  not  only  gain  knowledge  about  the  latest  SEO  trends  and  exchange  know-how  with  several  TOP  experts  from  around  the  world,  but  also  feel  the  atmosphere  of  Budapest,  one  of  the  best  party  cities  in  Europe.  Its  unique  vibe  will  certainly  accompany  us  during  the  Danube  cruise  on  October  4th,  which  we  offer  in  the  extended,  limited  Jazzy  package.  We  want  it  to  be  an  opportunity  to  network  with  the  top  SEO  experts,  but  also  a  chance  to  admire  the  most  beautiful  sights  of  Budapest  with  a  glass  of  tokay  in  hand. -   comments  Aleksandra  Smętkiewicz, International Project Manager at WhitePress. 

Early Bird tickets are on sale! 

 There  are  two  packages  tailored  to  suit  various  preferences.  Should  you  prefer  to  focus  mostly  on  the  know-how  part,  then  the  Classy  Package  might  be  an  option  for  you.  It  includes  participation  in  all  the  lectures  on  October 5 th,  networking  with  hundreds  of  other  industry  fellows  from  all  over  Europe,  followed  by  drinks,  snacks  and  a  lunch  buffet  to  make  the  most  of  the  whole  experience,  and  the  afterparty  as  an  icing  on  the  cake.  Each  participant  will  get  a  special  gift  pack  and  a  video  with  key  insights  after  the  event.  All  of  the  above  is  included  as  well  in  the  special,  limited  Jazzy  Package  which  in  addition  offers  the  already  mentioned  Danube  cruise  on  October  4th,  that  combines  business  networking  with  sightseeing, party and hungarian wine. 

 Check  the  details  and  choose  your  option.  It  is  worth  not  waiting  till  the  last  call  as  the  early  bird  tickets  are  on  sale  only  until  the  end  of  July.  Grab  your  SEO  Vibes  ticket  and  enjoy  up  to a 20% discount. 


Date  :  4-5th October, 2023 

 Location: 4 th October: Danube river cruise, location  to be announced; 5th October: 

 Eiffel Art Studios, Budapest, 30 Kőbányai street  30  Theme:  The most vibrant topics in SEO industry from  local and global perspectives  Landing page:


( exact time schedule is a subject to change and shall be confirmed on a later stage )  

 Wednesday 4th October 2023 

 Overture / Intro*
 NETWORKING BOAT PARTY - Embark in the late afternoon (around 5 PM) and enjoy the trip till  the evening (exact schedule to be announced). 

 *Included only in the Jazzy Package! 

Thursday 5th October 2023 

 Symphony / The Opus
8:30   Registration opening 

10:00     Part I. - Sonata -  Content Marketing - block  of presentations ( topics to be announced  by the end of July) 

12:00   INTERMEZZO - Coffee Break 

12:30  Part II. - ANDANTE -  SEO - block of presentations ( topics to be announced by the end of 


14:30   INTERMEZZO - Lunch Break 

16:00     Part III. - SCHERZO -  AI & DATA SCIENCE - block  of presentations ( topics to be  announced by the end of July) 

 Epilogue / Outro
18:00 - 22:00   After Party with a DJ 


 Kyle Roof,  Owner of the High Voltage SEO agency
 Owner of the High Voltage SEO agency, with locations in Melbourne, Berlin, Kingston  and Phoenix, speaker on SEO and SEO tests at international conferences. Co-creator  of PageOptimizer Pro, an algorithmic factor analysis tool used by SEO professionals  around the world. Kyle is also co-founder of Internet Marketing Gold (IMG), an online  community dedicated to the science of SEO (over 3,000 members). His techniques  and discoveries are of interest to the industry and business leaders from many  countries. 

 ●  Robert Niechciał,  CTO & Partner @
 SEO for 18 years, engineer for 11, datahead forever. CTO at Vestigio. Cutting edge  tech lover, especially when said tech can be utilized for optimization. Laser-focused  on reverse engineering Google algorithms, Robert provides lectures and training  sessions on the topic, inspiring peers both in Poland and at the world’s largest SEO  conferences. 


●  Raluca Radu,  Founder of MTH Digital and Co-Founder  of GPeC
 With an extensive experience of 18+ years in digital marketing, deeply involved in the  education and growth of e-commerce in CEE as Co-Organiser of GPeC –The Most  Important E-Commerce Event in CEE and the founder of the MTH Digital –digital  marketing agency for e-commerce. She runs her Youtube channel dedicated to  digital marketing–Digital Brunch  Raluca is convinced that logic and data is the basis of any effective business  strategy. 

 ●  Gabor Papp,  Head of SEO at The Pitch
 Co-founder and Head of SEO at one of the leading SEO blogs and  agencies in Hungary. Published over 200 articles and case studies in the past 10+  years focusing on SEO. He has worked with large, international clients, tech  companies and  a New York Times Bestseller Author. Besides running the SEO agency,  he is the co-founder of two sailing related projects: Lazy Jack and Ship Store - both  are real life case studies on how to do SEO for an e-commerce site he eagerly  discusses when giving presentations on conferences like Brighton SEO, inOrbit, SEO  zraz, Digital Cube Conf and SEO Vibes. 

 ●  Mihai Vânătoru,  CEO of DWF 

 Mihai is the CEO of DWF, the largest SEO Agency in Romania, currently working on 200+        active SEO projects with a team of 100+ SEO professionals.  He is a SEO expert  with over a decade of experience in the digital marketing realm. Having worked with  renowned global companies, Mihai has been instrumental in driving organic traffic  and improving online visibility. He is a proud dad of 3 kids and loves winter sports. 

 Passionate about AI and the impact of this technology on human life and psyche. 

 ●  Bastian Grimm,  CEO @ Peak Ace AG
 CEO of Peak Ace and a renowned expert in large-scale international SEO and AI for  digital marketing. With 20+ years of experience focusing on large-scale, international  SEO across highly competitive industries, he was named “Search Personality of the 

 Year” at the 2019 European Search Awards. Recently, he has become enthralled with  AI, ChatGPT and the plethora of tools that are emerging in this sphere. Strategising  and theorising the best way to implement AI for your business has become a topic  that Bastian is passionate about sharing his knowledge on at various conferences  around the world. 

 ●  Alex Galinos,  Head of SEO at hoppa, Co-Founder & Marketing  Manager of  Parents Hub
 International SEO professional and Content Marketing Strategist with diverse SEO  experience in several different industries, such as Gambling, Academic Studies,  Parenting, Travel, and Ground Transportation in 15+ markets across the world.  Currently, he's the Head of SEO at hoppa, a ground transportation comparison  website. The Co-Founder and Marketing Manager of Parents Hub, a Greek parenting  website that he managed to grow from 0-100,000+ monthly users in under 12 months  since the site went live, with 96% of the traffic coming from the organic channel. 

●  Gaetano Romeo,  Owner of the High Voltage SEO agency. 

 Growth Manager, Start-up Mentor and Advisor to various companies. Business Advisor  at, a top brand Influencer at Semrush, Editorial Director of the digital  generation series for the Maggioli group, Advisor and partner at Author of 6  books. Brand Ambassador of Whitepress Europe.  Gaetano took first steps in the  digital world in 2003 and throughout the years worked for multinationals such as 

 StudiVZ, Zalando and Groupon, was a Head of SEO for MYDAYS Italia;  managed SEO  Romeo in Milan (Digital Laboratory later on) one of the most important digital realities  in Italy. 

●  Damian Sałkowski,  CEO at Senuto 

 Entrepreneur and SEO specialist with 15 years of experience. He develops several  businesses on a daily basis, including Senuto. He focuses on the use of data in SEO. 

 Speaker at dozens of conferences, and author of several books and industry articles.  Privately a happy father and husband. In his free time, he enjoys motorboating and  watching a football match or a good TV series. 

 ● Natalia Witczyk,  International & Tech SEO Consultant
 Natalia Witczyk is a consultant for Technical and International SEO. Originally from  Poland, she currently resides in Barcelona where she develops digital strategies for  start-ups and multinationals with the ambition to appear in international markets. She  is a judge for the EU & UK Search Awards. 

 ●  Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR,  CEO of Holistic SEO & Digital
 Founder and CEO of the Turkish agency Holistic SEO & Digital, providing consultancy  services, data analysis, website design and search engine optimization. Associated  with SEO since 2015, at that time he cooperated with over 300 companies from  various fields for which he carried out SEO projects. He uses Data Science in his work.  Author of numerous case studies on positioning and SEO studies with a detailed  explanation of how Google search engine decision trees work. 

 ●  Daniel Duriš,  Lead Consultant at Basta digital
 Daniel Duris the Lead Consultant at Basta Digital, a performance marketing agency  based in Bratislava, Slovakia. He has worked with hundreds of clients internationally in  the field of search engine optimization and analytics since 2003. In 2006 he  co-founded Basta Digital, which offers complete performance digital marketing for  ambitious companies in the European Union. In addition, he also specializes in digital  analytics and automation/data integration. 

 ●  Richard Klačko,  SEO / UX & SMM Team Leader at Taste
 Richard has been leading the SEO department for several years at Czech leading  digital agency Taste. In addition to looking after the entire department, he and his  team also handle education, publishing, innovation and automation. 


●     Classy Package:  HUF 39 900 net Early Bird,  Regular  Price: HUF 49 900 net;  It's approx. 109    EUR (Early Birds)  and 134 EUR (Full  Price)  without VAT  includes: participation in the main day of the conference (October 5th) with all the  lectures and networking, key notes video after the event,  snacks, drinks and lunch  buffet, afterparty, special gift pack 

●   Jazzy Package (limited qty):  HUF 69 900 net Early  Bird, Regular Price: HUF 89 900 net;  It's approx. 189   EUR (Early Birds)  and 242 , EUR (Full  Price)  without VAT  includes: participation in two days of the event, October 4th: the networking before  party, Danube river cruise with wine and snacks; October 5th: the main day of the  conference with all the lectures and networking, key notes video after the event,  snacks, drinks and lunch buffet, afterparty, special gift pack  

●   Early Bird tickets sale ends on 31.07.2023 

 Promotional video:  SEO Vibes Conference Budapest 2023  - Feel the SEO Vibes with us 

 More graphics/photos from past events by WhitePress® and SEO Vibes graphics in the zip  package. 

July 26th, 2023
